Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Holiday means eating day. Teehee.
Went out to celebrate with him, Big Feast, great meals.
Love family dinner, even its just an hour,

Internship is such a burden. Apparently no company want me.
Dam, head big this time round. Gonna die manz.
Its ohkay huihui chan, dont give up. JIAYOU JIAYOU JIAYOU

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Happy Day  <3 

Yes, 14-02-12, tuesday, Vday
Himbo booked out and meet bimbo, Great night out.

Finally one nice photo. Hehheh 

Tadahhhh , My vdae present for him. The reason why its you c:
Nice right? Lotta hard work manzxc 

And THIS! What he gave to me! Me onlyyyyyy c:

Small boy hand writing. HEEHEE, Sha de <3

We ate the same for dinner, No meat cause i don't eat meat, Vegetarian spaghetti, Fries, carrot, orange and watermelon juice (Y)

My handsome bf, Heehee, I love you ( Mai ugm chio) I just say you handsome for fun onlyyyyy ! <3

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I love this pic, my boy's eyes suddenly so big, HEHE (Most of the time he's blind, He got dam small eyes. Dam jia lat) <3
Promised my silly boy to bring him to pulau ubin ! oops i forgotten, so sorry ..eventually we went (Y)
ps: his virgin trip to PU. WTHHHHHHH DAM THOUSAND TURTLE LAAAAA should just sell him to the bangala at there, muahahahaha

I know you will stalk my blog, HEHEHE

For you : Thanks for being there for me. Its ohkay that we only meet up for a short time everytime we meet. I see your effort, really appreciate what you did for me. Bear with my unpredictable weather temper, Hehheh. Love you, your bitch

PS: Next time nua together cannot i doing assignment you nua Z:


My awesome 2.2 dollies MUACKIES
Love all the gossiping,chitchating, laughing and singing moment with you all
Really gonna miss you all when i go for intership
Le sigh, why must we always change class. Stupig RP system. DAM YOU
You girls are the best thing i ever had c:
I swear i wont ditch anyone of you, cause you girls are friends i wanna keep c: